

[報名資訊 Register Info.] 元培醫事科技大學 自辦華語文能力測驗 On-Campus Test of Chinese Proficiency

This is On-Campus Test of Chinese Proficiency. Participants can realize their Chinese Language level through this test and consider to take the official TOCFL.

1. 參加對象 Who can register: 全校外籍生 All the Foreign Students in Yuanpei University of Medical Technology

2. 考試日程表 Test Schedule

場次一 Session 1:
2020/1/7 Tue.
14:00-15:00 聽力測驗Listening
15:00-16:00 閱讀測驗Reading
地點 Venue: 光禧大樓 K205、K211

場次二 Session 2:
2020/1/8 Wed.
14:00-15:00 聽力測驗Listening
15:00-16:00 閱讀測驗Reading
地點 Venue: 光宇大樓 A401、A402

3. 費用 Fee: 免費 Free!!

4. 報名網址 Register here:

【注意事項 Notice】

1. 測驗過程將全程採用電腦測驗,考生無須自行準備文具。
Test-takers will take the exam by computers, and will not need to bring any stationaries.

2. 每位考生將得到一組考生編號,請依照編號入座。
Each participant will received a set of number which is also their seat number.

3. 測驗將於下午兩點準時開始,請於測驗前20分鐘至考場報到。
The test will start at 2pm. Please arrive at the venue 20 minutes ahead of the test time to complete the registration.

4. 六個新南向專班學生均已由系統報名參加測驗,各班測驗時間為:
Students from the 6 International Industry-Academia Collaboration Programs are pre-registered.
The test time is as follows:
1/7 食科系、餐管系、視光系
1/8 行科系A班、行科系B班、醫工系

5. 其他有意願測驗之校內外籍學生皆可自行報考。報名期限: 2020/1/3 Fri.(無須任何考試費用)。
Other foreign students in campus willing to take the mock test can register by themselves.
Deadline for free registration is 2020/1/3 Fri.

【正式華語文能力測驗用途 Purposes of the official TOCFL】

1. 台灣獎學金申請之參考標準
Applying for a Taiwan Scholarship.

2. 台灣大專院校招收外籍學生之華語能力參考標準
International students applying for academic programs at colleges and universities in Taiwan.

3. 海外聯招會中文科目採計之參考標準
Overseas Chinese Students applying for university admission in Taiwan through the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students (UECOCS).

4. 求職所需的華語能力證明
Employment applications which require proof of Chinese language proficiency.

5. 僑外生留台工作評點加分項目之一
Obtaining bonus points under the new appraisal system for Overseas Chinese and international students who want to remain in Taiwan to work.